Friday, June 18, 2010

Schrade Barlow and Opinel Knife

The barlow is a classic American pocket knife style. The handle on this austere model is made of plastic, but you can find a slew of more expensive non-plastic options and made in USA ones elsewhere online. I stumbled upon this item while browsing the Lehman's online catalog, which only stocks old-fashioned non-electric merchandise. According to their about page, they sell to "missionaries and doctors working in developing countries; homesteaders and environmentalists living in remote areas; people with unreliable electricity living on islands and mountains; second home owners, hunters, fishers and cabin dwellers; the 'chronically nostalgic,' and even Hollywood set designers looking for historically accurate period pieces."

Made in: China
Handmade? No


photo from canoe

A step up from the barlow in price and rusticity is the French Opinel knife. The Kitchn names the #6 as a choice pick for picnics. The carbon blade keeps a sharper edge, but needs to be wiped dry immediately after use. The stainless steel blade grows duller faster, but requires no special maintenance.

Made in: France
Handmade? No


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